My Public Profile

Profile image of Frauke Müller
Public ITI profile page of

Frauke Müller

Genève 4, Switzerland

  • ITI Honorary Fellow
  • registered since 2005

Academy Author Profile

Frauke Müller is professor and chair for gerodontology and removable prosthodontics at the University of Geneva. Dental and Doctorate Degree in Bonn.

Frauke Müller is Board member of the ITI and chair of the ITI Scholarship Committee. Awarded with the IADR Distinguished Scientist Award in Geriatric Oral. President of the Swiss Society for Dentistry for elderly and handicapped persons (SGZBB).

Academy content by Frauke Müller (5 items)

Academy content edited by Frauke Müller (2 items)

Statement on Financial Relationships and Conflict of Interests

Frauke Müller has no financial relationships to disclose regarding authorship of ITI educational content and there are no conflicts of interest.

In case of content marked as "provided by industry partner", the author/speaker was reimbursed by said industry partner.