Prosthesis Design for Full-Arch Removable Dental Prostheses
The advent and evolution of osseointegrated implants have greatly enhanced prosthodontic and patient-centered outcomes for treatment of the completely edentulous patient. Even so, in the case of removable dental prostheses, correct and optimal construction of the complete dentures remains an essential part of a successful outcome. Therefore, the first step in the rehabilitation of edentulous arches is to establish whether or not the prostheses are adequate.
This Learning Pathway discusses denture requirements from the patients’ perspective as well as assessment and design principles for complete dentures. The Learning Pathway also offers clinical examples of mandibular and maxillary complete dentures used in conjunction with implant therapy. The Learning Pathway on Implant Configurations for Full-Arch Removable Dental Prostheses provides further coverage of this topic.

On completion of this course you should be able to…
- discuss complete denture requirements from the patient’s perspective
- describe design principles for complete dentures
- describe clinical examples of mandibular and maxillary complete overdentures