Congress Lecture

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Introduction to Implant Dentistry

The Ten Commandments of Implant Dentistry

The Ten Commandments given to Moses on Mount Sinai form the basis of modern Judeo-Christian ethics and have passed the test of time as a set of rules for communal living.

A similar set of rules might also be espoused for implant dentistry. In this presentation, Greg Peake (Periodontist) and Tony Dawson (Prosthodontist) bring a somewhat confronting, occasionally irreverent, and often humorous approach to this topic.

They discuss factors that have the potential to affect the success of implant treatments, and suggest a set of rules that might help us all minimise the risks of complications in the treatments that we provide to our patients.

65 min.
Learner Level
ITI Congress Australasia 2013
1.09 hours
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Publication date: Oct 13, 2014 Last review date: Oct 12, 2021 Next review date: Oct 12, 2024
3 - Proficient to Expert Congress Lecture English Introduction to Implant Dentistry Languages

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