Congress Lecture

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Prosthodontic Planning and Procedures

The Edentulous Maxilla – Fixed vs Removable for Esthetic Outcomes

The edentulous maxilla offers unique challenges in terms of fixed and removable treatment options for an implant-assisted prosthesis. This lecture outlines the steps of a thorough intraoral and extraoral exam and lists the factors to consider when selecting a treatment modality. The indications for fixed and removable prostheses are clearly outlined, with an emphasis on the importance of the relationship between the ideal coronal position and the underlying bone. The flexibility afforded by the removable prosthesis is also demonstrated. The lecture concludes with two successfully treated clinical cases with long-term follow-up.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to...

  • define the steps to diagnose the class of an edentulous maxilla
  • assess the extraoral environment of an edentulous maxilla
  • assess and diagnose the intraoral status of an edentulous maxilla
  • define the different treatment options for the edentulous maxilla
  • compare the advantages and disadvantages of fixed versus removable prostheses
32 min.
Learner Level
ITI World Symposium 2014
0.53 hours
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Publication date: Jul 29, 2015 Last review date: Feb 12, 2022 Next review date: Feb 12, 2025
2 - Advanced Beginner to Competent Congress Lecture English Languages Prosthodontic Planning & Procedures

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