Congress Lecture

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Introduction to Implant Dentistry

Does Implant Abutment Connection Design Influence Bone and Soft Tissue Maintenance?

This lecture by David Cochran focuses on the biological response to implants and their components. Using numerous studies, he explains the associations between the implant-abutment interface, inflammation, and bone loss. Moreover, he explains the spatial relationships between inflamed connective tissue and alveolar bone loss. He also discusses how the clinician can address this issue when selecting both the implant type and its three-dimensional placement, in particular by the use of one-piece, tissue-level implants. This presentation concludes with a discussion of three possible ways to minimize or eliminate inflammation around implants.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…

  • describe the biological response of the tissues surrounding titanium implants
  • discuss the influence of implant position and inflammation on crestal bone remodeling
  • explain possible ways to minimize or eliminate inflammation around implants
63 min.
Learner Level
ITI Congress UK & Ireland 2015
1.05 hours
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Publication date: Aug 30, 2015 Last review date: Feb 6, 2022 Next review date: Feb 6, 2025
1 - Beginner Congress Lecture English General Topics Implants vs. Conventional Dentistry Introduction to Implant Dentistry Languages Prosthodontically Driven Planning Treatment Planning

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