Congress Lecture

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Introduction to Implant Dentistry

Biological Basics in Soft Tissue Management

The peri-implant soft tissues represent the visible biologic esthetics at the end of any implant treatment. This lecture discusses the anatomical, biologic, and physiologic aspects of the soft tissue, which play a decisive role during the initial assessment of the patient’s situation and the resulting treatment planning. Individualized and appropriate management is achieved by understanding and respecting the underlying principles of histologic stratification, vascular architecture, wound healing, and scar formation. Based on this knowledge, decisions can be made concerning incision and flap design, dissection and mobilization, soft tissue replacement, and wound closure. This presentation also shows how knowledge of the natural regeneration cascades and soft tissue properties serves as a safeguard for choosing the right treatment option at the right time. Management of complications based on these biologic principles is also presented.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…

  • apply the knowledge of anatomical and biologic basics to soft tissue assessment
  • implement this knowledge when choosing surgical concepts and techniques
  • develop biologically-based strategies in the management of complications
31 min.
Learner Level
ITI World Symposium 2017
0.53 hours
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Publication date: Feb 6, 2018 Last review date: Jan 30, 2023 Next review date: Jan 30, 2026
2 - Advanced Beginner to Competent Congress Lecture English Introduction to Implant Dentistry Languages

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