Attached Mucosa to Maintain Peri-implant Tissue Health
The role of an adequate width of attached mucosa around dental implants in the long-term stability of peri-implant tissues is still a matter of debate. While earlier studies identified insufficient reliable evidence regarding the possible influence of the width of attached mucosa and peri-implant disease, recent publications suggest that an inadequate width and thickness of peri-implant attached mucosa may lead to increased plaque deposition and mucosal inflammation, higher risk of peri-implant alveolar bone loss, increased soft tissue recessions, and loss of clinical attachment level. This lecture proposes a decision-making process that may help the clinician to select the appropriate surgical technique for increasing the width of attached mucosa.

At the end of this Congress Lecture you should be able to…
- understand the differences in tissue structure surrounding teeth and dental implants
- discuss the available literature on the role of attached mucosa to maintain peri-implant health
- describe how to select the appropriate surgical technique for increasing the width of attached mucosa

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